*If you exceed your chosen option, you will have a margin of up to 50 players, at a cost of €3 per additional player, without having to change option
The amount to be paid is €99,99 per month.
Rate change:
After the competition has started, any client who increases the volume of players and therefore exceeds the agreed range, MyGol will adjust the fee by issuing a charge for the difference.
Pre-Registration Conditions
For a better user experience, MyGol will enable access to the platform in advance of the start of the competitions, to allow you to familiarize yourself with the software and have enough time to carry out pre-training and personalization of the platform. This will allow you to configure the web environment and the control panel, so that when the season starts you will only have to deal with the competition.
Control Panel:
Allows you to configure and organize almost all the features of the MyGol professional competition manager (seasons, modalities, sponsors, competitions, notifications, users, payment gateway, reports, playing fields, publications, player and referee PPP’s) during pre-registration some functionalities are limited.
Each client is provided (included in the price) with their own website, which they can configure and customize from the control panel, adapting the design, colours, content, sponsors, advertising and competitions to the format they wish as an Organizer.
After payment, all clients will receive a 2-hour training course, which will be given by the MyGol Technical Support Department, where the operation of the competition manager will be shown.
Registration Conditions
Once the registration process has been completed and paid for, the client will be able to use the MyGol software without limitations and with all the functionalities offered by the software.
Control panel:
It allows you to configure and organize almost all the functionalities of the MyGol professional competition manager (seasons, modalities, sponsors, competitions, notifications, users, payment gateway, reports, playing fields, publications, player and referee PPP’s)
Each client is provided (included in the price) with their own website, which they can configure and customize from the control panel, adapting the design, colours, content, sponsors, advertising and competitions to the format they wish as an Organizer.
Once the pre-registration or registration payment has been made, all clients will receive a 2-hour training course, which will be given by the MyGol Technical Support Department, where the operation of the competition manager will be shown.
APP Player:
This functionality will not have restrictions, the organizer will be able to activate and name as administrator of a team a delegate/responsible, so that this one in turn, can register all the players of the team, facilitating that these complete in an individual way the player’s card, which allows them to be available to dispute the competition.
Once the player’s card is completed, the player will appear in the minutes of the matches, allowing the referee to confirm the attendance of each of the players registered in the teams, securely thanks to the personal photo included in the player’s card.
APP Referee:
Each referee of the competition will receive in his own PPP, the assignments of the matches he has been assigned to referee in each day. In addition, before each match, from your PPP you can confirm in the minutes, the attendance of the players present from each team.
Once the participating players have been confirmed, the match will begin and from the JPA you will be able to introduce all the data and incidents that occur in the match in real time (starting time, goals, cards, injuries, penalties, etc.). When the match ends, the captains of each team will check the minutes, after which the referee will close the match and the results will be updated on the website and PPP’s at the same time.
Help Desk:
In the first year, the client has 5 free tickets/consultations in which they can solve and comment on their doubts with the MyGol Technical Support Department.
From the second year onwards, 2 free Tickets/Consultations are available per year.
On our website (, customers have access to tutorials and technical documentation, where they can obtain detailed information on the software’s functions and resolve any doubts they may have.
Once the free Tickets/Consultations are consumed, the Technical Support service fees are: €20 for half an hour of assistance and €40 for one hour of assistance.
For any questions with the Technical Support Department, the method of contact will be by email:
Player count:
The players registered in each team and competition in which they participate per season, in any of the available modalities (Soccer 11, Soccer 7, Soccer 6, Soccer 5, FutSal, Indoor etc.) will be counted as registered.
Example: A player who participates in two different competitions (Soccer 11 and Soccer 7), will count two player registrations.