






Frequent questions:

Frequent questions:

When creating a Phase in the calendar I do not have a team:2020-08-31T08:18:41+02:00

Check that all the teams in a competition are registered.

The coach, physio or delegate gets the payment, and they should not do it:2020-08-31T08:18:47+02:00

The organizer, in the file of the coach, physicist and non-player delegate, must select the option PAYMENT MADE in the TEAM REGISTRATION STEPS window.

A player had to make a payment but has chosen the wrong option:

The Mygol manager makes a reservation of the payment options selected by the player, so if he has already chosen some options, these have been recorded.

To delete these reserved options and allow the player to choose the payment options again, the coach, physio or non-player delegate of the team must be unsubscribed and invited again from the “Add existing player” button. This resets the saved payment options and the player can choose new payment options.

It is recommended that before starting the registration process for the players, the organizer keep in mind who are exempt so that once invited, the payment is deactivated before the options are preselected and therefore saved.

When generating the calendar I get an error of insufficient fields and hours:2020-08-31T08:18:52+02:00

Check that when preparing the calendar we have provided the necessary facilities to carry out all the matches, or there are hours necessary to play them.

When generating the calendar, two teams with the same LOCAL FIELD coincide on the same days as locals:2020-08-31T08:17:38+02:00

Before saving the calendar, you must change the order of ONE of these two teams in the colour table and click Preview again.

When generating the calendar, a team always appears as main in the same field:2020-08-31T08:19:59+02:00

Go in the equipment description and check that you do not have a LOCAL FIELD.

The manager generates the calendar assigning the fields randomly, unless a team has LOCAL FIELD.

Existing player warning when adding a new player:2020-08-31T08:20:22+02:00

The player you want to invite is already in the organization, so you must invite the team from the “Add existing player” button.

Classification and ranking does not appear:2020-08-31T08:20:41+02:00

Competition is not at play

Minutes are not properly closed. Check on the calendar that all played games have their green circle marker. If you do not have it, enter the act and add the Incident “Close Proceeding”.

How can I block the transfers on the part of a team delegate:2020-08-31T08:21:07+02:00

By default, when a competition is created it appears as Open Entries, allowing team delegates to send out as many invitations as they deem necessary. To establish a period of time in which the delegate cannot make signings, you must access the description of the competition and change its status to Entries Closed or At Play.

The player has lost / forgotten the password:2020-08-31T08:21:27+02:00

You have the password recovery option, by receiving it to your email, from the player app or from the organization’s website, logging in with the data you have.

The player cannot access his account, invalid email:2020-08-31T08:22:15+02:00

· Check that the competition in which you play is VISIBLE.

· Check that the player has activated the account using the PIN that appears on the invitation.

The player cannot upload the photograph of the sheet, public profile or documentation:2020-08-31T08:22:37+02:00

· Check that the player has allowed access to the camera and reel of photos on his mobile phone.

· Check that the quality of the photograph does not exceed 2 MB.

· The player agrees but says he is not here: make sure the competition is visible.

There are outstanding players who are not selected for the ideal team:2020-08-31T08:22:59+02:00

Check that the players have introduced on their sheet their position on the field. The ideal team is selected depending on the merits of the matches and by position.

I have closed a minutes and there is an error to correct:2020-08-31T08:23:20+02:00

Any minutes can be opened and corrected only by the organizer. It must be done in an exceptional way since it generates duplication of statistics that will imply the revision.

Not all incidents to be entered require the reopening of the minutes. Those referring to timing information (start of the game, end of the first part, start of the second part) do not require the reopening of the minutes.

After the reopening of the minutes, its correction and subsequent closure, it is imperative to press the Recalculate Statistics button, from the Competition panel, so they are correctly returned to general.

This can cause player and team penalties to be doubled, so they should be reviewed.

It must be done in an exceptional way since it generates duplication of statistics that the revision will imply.

The invitation email does not arrive to players or referees:2020-08-31T08:23:45+02:00

· Check that it has not reached the SPAM folder of the player’s email.

· Check that the email in the the player or referee file is correct.

· Check that there is no blank space at the beginning or end of the email address, as a result of having copied or pasted it from another means of delivery (email, WhatsApp, etc).

I cannot add new days or matches:2020-08-31T08:24:07+02:00

Check that the phase is not started. If so, change the status of the Phase to Not Started, make the necessary modification in the calendar, and change the status of the phase back to Start.

I cannot delete a match:2020-08-31T08:24:46+02:00

Check that the match has no incidents in the minutes.

I cannot delete a match day:2020-08-31T08:25:14+02:00

You must delete all the matches of the day before.

I cannot generate the calendar again:2020-08-31T08:25:34+02:00

All match days of that calendar must have been previously deleted.

I can’t make the ideal team:2020-08-31T08:25:53+02:00

Check that the Phase, in the Calendar, is started.

To generate the ideal team, you must have clicked on “General achievements of the day” after having finished the matches of the day.

To generate a calendar, once the phase is created, I do not get the option to Add group:2020-08-31T08:26:11+02:00

Check that the phase is NOT started.

An automatic sanction has been generated to a player, but he is not aware of it:2020-08-31T08:26:30+02:00

Check that the following days after the sanction match is created. If it is not, create it, go to the Sanctions menu, enter the player sanction and edit. Once saved, the sanction match will appear to the player.

Player sanctions are doubled:2020-08-31T08:26:53+02:00

In the configuration of sanctions it is possible that we have repeated the sanction.

First we will generate the automatic sanction of a double yellow, generating a red, but we will not record the sanction match.

Second, we will generate the automatic sanction of a red card, which does not generate a new card, and this time we will record the sanction matches that we want.

A player from my organization asks to transfer his data to another organization to play in it:2020-08-31T08:27:13+02:00

Go to the file and press the Export player button, generating a zip file. Send this file to the new organization. The new organization will select the destination team and click Import Existing Player.

A player from a team does not appear in a minutes:2020-08-31T08:27:32+02:00

The player may have successfully registered, but it is the organizer who must authorize their participation by pressing “Registered” on the team to which they belong.

Once the player is successfully registered, the player cannot change data:2020-08-31T08:28:20+02:00

· Check that the player has not been validated by the organizer.

· When the validation selector is pressed, personal data are blocked.

· Press the validation selector again until the player makes the change and then validate again to block changes.

Le joueur ne peut pas accéder à son compte, email invalide:2021-07-26T09:02:11+02:00

· Vérifiez que la compétition dans laquelle vous jouez est VISIBLE.
· Vérifiez que le joueur a activé le compte en utilisant le code PIN qui apparaît dans l’invitation.




    Basic information on Data Protection: Responsible: Technology Sports Management S.L. ; Purpose: To attend to your request and send you commercial communications; Legitimation: Execution of a contract, consent of the interested party; Recipients: No data will be transferred to third parties, except legal obligation; Rights: You have the right to access, rectify and delete the data, as well as other rights, indicated in the additional information, which you can exercise by contacting the address of the person responsible for the treatment; Origin: The interested party; Additional information: Privacy Policy.